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Eye-tracking tech makes virtual reality hands-free
An advanced virtual reality headset could be a game-changer for the entertainment industry and give people with certain disabilities new powers of communication and interaction, according to the developers. The FOVE headset uses eye-tracking technology to give the wearer an immersive and completely hands-free virtual reality, where all of their actions can be controlled by their eye movements.
Source: Reuters
Posted on: Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 8:02am
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U.S. science leaders to tackle ethics of gene-editing technology
The leading U.S. scientific organization, responding to concerns expressed by scientists and ethicists, has launched an ambitious initiative to recommend guidelines for new genetic technology that has the potential to create "designer babies."
Source: Reuters
Posted on: Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 8:20am
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Leaderless Bitcoin Struggles to Make Its Most Crucial Decision
Bitcoin’s most influential developer has proposed a controversial fix that would help it handle more transactions. In a test of Bitcoin’s ability to adapt to its own growing popularity, the Bitcoin community is facing a dilemma: how to change Bitcoin’s core software so that the growing volume of transactions doesn’t overwhelm the network. Some fear that the network, as it’s currently designed, could become overwhelmed as early as next year.
Source: Technology Review
Posted on: Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 8:20am
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Health and data: can digital fitness monitors revolutionise our lives?
From granular microchips to voice analysis, health-tracking technology offers medical benefits but doubt persist about the quality and security of data gathered
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 8:20am
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How positive train control can prevent tragedies
As investigators search for the cause of the Philadelphia Amtrak derailment, many are asking if the crash could have been prevented. The answer is "yes," according to backers of positive train control. David Begnaud reports on the new technology that lets a computer take over the controls of a train if it detects engineer error.
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Thursday, May 14, 2015, 9:58am
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Inappropriate image on Google Maps causes crackdown
After a user drew an Android robot urinating on an Apple logo in Google Maps, the world's editing privileges have been revoked
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 8:03am
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Man behind Moore's Law "amazed" it has lasted so long
Intel cofounder Gordon Moore says his 1965 prediction about the growth of processing power was made looking only 10 years out
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 8:03am
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Solar plane set to make epic flight across Pacific
Lone pilot plans to fly non-stop for 5 days and nights from China to Hawaii, powered by the sun and 20-minute naps
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 8:10am
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What Google Has Learned From 1.7 Million Miles on the Road
Google's fleet of self-driving cars have traveled more than 1.7 million miles, collecting data about performance and sharing the road with manual drivers.
Source: ABC News
Posted on: Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 8:10am
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Cyborg beetles to the rescue
In the wake of the devastating Nepal earthquake, researchers are hard at work developing the next generation of search and rescue tools in the hopes of saving more lives in the aftermath of deadly natural disasters. 
Source: Reuters
Posted on: Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 8:10am
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Drone Use Poised to Expand to Newsrooms Despite FAA Limits
FAA approves 2 companies to use drones to gather news, but there are limits, privacy concerns
Source: ABC News
Posted on: Friday, May 08, 2015, 8:29am
Rating: | Views: 1433 | Comments: 0
Why Bitcoin Could Be Much More Than a Currency
Bitcoin doesn’t have to replace government-backed money to improve the way we do business online.
Source: Technology Review
Posted on: Friday, May 08, 2015, 8:29am
Rating: | Views: 1443 | Comments: 0
Some Tesla Owners Pimp Their Rides with Code
A few Tesla drivers are rewriting the programming in the Model S to make the car do interesting new things.Tesla Motors’ Model S isn’t just a symbol of enthusiasm for electric driving; it’s also a sign of how customizable cars are becoming.
Source: Technology Review
Posted on: Friday, May 08, 2015, 8:29am
Rating: | Views: 1711 | Comments: 0
Brain technology patents soar as companies get inside people's heads
From ways to eavesdrop on brains and learn what advertisements excite consumers, to devices that alleviate depression, the number of U.S. patents awarded for "neurotechnology" has soared since 2010, according to an analysis released on Wednesday.
Source: Reuters
Posted on: Thursday, May 07, 2015, 9:44am
Rating: | Views: 1580 | Comments: 0
Human vs machine as top poker pros take on AI
Over two weeks, four human poker players will duke it out against poker software in 80,000 hands of Heads Up No Limit Texas Hold‘em for a $100,000 cash prize
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Thursday, May 07, 2015, 9:44am
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Cyprus pins hopes on Australian solar technology to make shift away from oil
Solar thermal technology will generate electricity and tackle water shortages – earning Australia’s science agency CSIRO $500,000 for solar field design
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Thursday, May 07, 2015, 9:44am
Rating: | Views: 1657 | Comments: 0
​Google search trends predict spring fashion trends
Based on search volume over time, tulle skirts and emoji jogger pants are two spring looks to look out for
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Tuesday, Apr 28, 2015, 8:19am
Rating: | Views: 1714 | Comments: 0
Fruit Growers Try Tricking Mother Nature To Prevent Crop Damage
In Michigan's orchard country, extreme heat and cold can mean disaster for fruit growers. Now some are using a new twist on old technology to fool trees when sudden, unexpected weather changes occur.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 23, 2015, 12:02pm
Rating: | Views: 1965 | Comments: 0
Mysterious device gives burglars easy access to cars' keyless-entry systems
While your key fob may be safely in your house, your locked car could actually be wide open for tech-savvy crooks. Vladimir Duthiers reports on how high-tech car thieves are exploiting security gaps.
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 23, 2015, 12:02pm
Rating: | Views: 1943 | Comments: 0
Study: Self-Driving 'Taxibots' Could Replace 9 in 10 Cars
Self-driving 'taxibots' could cut number of cars in cities by 90 percent, study suggests
Source: ABC News
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 23, 2015, 12:02pm
Rating: | Views: 1903 | Comments: 0
Wireless routers could spy on your breathing and heartbeat
A radar-like system that fits inside a Wi-Fi box can record health data and keep tabs on your mood – without you even noticing
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015, 2:12pm
Rating: | Views: 1495 | Comments: 0
Newer passenger planes could be vulnerable to hacking via inflight Wi-Fi
Commercial airlines could be vulnerable to hacking via inflight Wi-Fi. CBSN's Vladimir Duthiers and Elaine Quijano have the details.
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 16, 2015, 8:09am
Rating: | Views: 1361 | Comments: 0
Paralyzed Again
We have the technology to dramatically increase the independence of people with spinal-cord injuries. The problem is bringing it to market and keeping it there.
Source: Technology Review
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 09, 2015, 8:08am
Rating: | Views: 1296 | Comments: 0
Why Some Bees Are Now Carrying Backpack Trackers
Long-range tracking technology will help researchers understand bee behavior.
Source: ABC News
Posted on: Thursday, Mar 26, 2015, 8:35am
Rating: | Views: 1401 | Comments: 0
Could computer servers be used to heat homes?
​A Dutch energy company is joining forces with a tech startup to turn heat-generating servers into "e-Radiators"
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Wednesday, Mar 25, 2015, 7:39am
Rating: | Views: 1381 | Comments: 0
Nintendo games are finally coming to smartphones
The firm announced Mario is headed for mobile and teased its "entirely new concept" gaming console, codenamed NX
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Wednesday, Mar 18, 2015, 11:47am
Rating: | Views: 1231 | Comments: 0
Microsoft bids Internet Explorer farewell
That venerable browser brand goes away with Windows 10, leaving the company's future in corporate computing hazier
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Wednesday, Mar 18, 2015, 11:47am
Rating: | Views: 1252 | Comments: 0
New efforts to bring high-speed rail to America
High-speed rail has had a difficult time catching on in the U.S. The White House unveiled its vision for new train corridors in 2009, but so far, there has been little progress. Top speed on Amtrak Acela trains only reaches about 150 miles per hour, but now there are high speed rail projects underway in the country that will go 50 miles per hour faster. The people pushing the projects forward believe the idea of high-speed rail in the U.S. has finally turned the corner.
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Thursday, Mar 12, 2015, 11:38am
Rating: | Views: 1165 | Comments: 0
Liquid metal brings shape-shifting robot a step closer
A metal alloy that powers its own movement and deforms to get through tight spots could let us to build a Terminator 2-style robot (minus homicidal tendencies)
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Tuesday, Mar 10, 2015, 11:04am
Rating: | Views: 1257 | Comments: 0
The anti-GM lobby appears to be taking a page out of the Climategate playbook
Climate change is real and GM technology is safe, but those in denial want to undermine the public understanding of science with misinformation and pseudo-debate
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Tuesday, Mar 10, 2015, 11:04am
Rating: | Views: 1421 | Comments: 0