‘Dangerous’ Warming Still Undefinable to White House

James Connaughton, lead White House environmental official. (Credit: State Department Photo)James Connaughton, lead White House environment official, in India last year. (Credit: U.S. State Department)

Throughout the Bush presidency, there has been an aversion to addressing one question about global warming: How much is too much?

Nothing has changed, it appears, even though administration officials late Friday night endorsed (along with counterparts from 129 other countries) the troubling findings in the fourth in-depth assessment since 1990 of the causes and consequences of global warming by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Despite the report’s added emphasis on a list of “reasons for concern” about the continuing growth of long-lived emissions that trap heat, senior White House officials said Friday and Saturday that it remained impossible to define a “dangerous” threshold in the concentration of greenhouse gases or resulting warming.

This has always been the response, despite President Bush’s repeated pledges to uphold commitments made by the United States when his father signed, and the country ratified, the first climate treaty, the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change. One provision of that treaty is that countries pledge to stabilize concentrations of greenhouse gases at a level avoiding “dangerous” interference with the climate system.

The United States is hardly alone in avoiding this “dangerous” question.

Just about the only nations that have tried to define such a limit are those in the European Union, which chose a temperature target a decade ago and have held firm ever since. Their goal is to avoid more than 3.6 degrees of warming beyond the preindustrial average for the planet. The average temperature of Earth, now 59 degrees, has already risen about 1.4 degrees since 1880.

(Some climate experts question the value, or practicability, of setting an upper temperature limit given the complexities of the climate system, which cannot be manipulated like a thermostat – not yet at least. But many experts, including most I.P.C.C. authors, now are pressing for deep, prompt cuts in emissions to at least slow the rate of warming.)

Why is it so persistently hard to figure out how much warming is too much, even after four I.P.C.C reports over 17 years, several joint statements calling for prompt emissions curbs by the world’s scientific academies, and a United States climate research program the administration often promotes as the world’s best (and best financed, at about $1.8 billion a year)?

I e-mailed a few questions to the White House about all of this early this morning. Below are responses that came in a telephone interview on Saturday with James L. Connaughton, Mr. Bush’s top environmental aide:

Q. In 2002, the president said: “I reaffirm America’s commitment to the United Nations Framework Convention and its central goal, to stabilize atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate.” How does the Bush administration intend to live up to the president’s stated commitment, while refusing to define a dangerous level of warming?

A. Europe is the only region that has set a number… They have committed to that as a protective measure. I’m not aware of any other sort of country as a matter of policy that has been able to make that policy judgment.

In the absence of being able to make that policy call at this time on dangerous interference, what we’re doing as an interim measure is working bottom up to see how aggressive can we be in finding a pathway to low-carbon power generation from coal, because that accounts for more than 50 percent of emissions; how aggressive can we be in transitioning to a much greater diversity of fuel supply than petroleum, and vehicle technology, and that’s 20 percent of emissions; and then what can we do much more rapidly to halt deforestation, which is 20 percent of emissions.

We’re asking the question from the other end, which is what can we reasonably achieve on an aggressive timeline in the three areas that matter most while we sustain our work in complementary areas such as efficiency and renewables and expansion of nuclear.

Q. In committing to that, are you saying, essentially, that the current trajectory of emissions is dangerous, or unacceptable?

A. What the president has said is that the science has advanced and our understanding of the science has deepened, and it underscores the need for stronger action.

Q. In service of what? Why bother?

A. Why bother? Because you are working against an unquantifiable risk of a significant negative impact. You’re working to ensure against that…. The insurance analogy still holds in this sense. We have an unquantifiable long-term risk. Because of the advances of the science, our appreciation of the risk is stronger now, and therefore that warrants more investment in working to ensure against that.

Q. Someone told me there’s a funny cartoon floating out there somewhere, from the future, where it’s I.P.C.C. report number 485 and everyone’s living on life rafts or something. Is it time to look inward instead of waiting for the scientists to provide more clarity?

A. What’s going on now — finally, in my view — is a much more focused set of questions on what do the technology pathways actually look like and what do we need to do on the government side and the private sector side to get there.

There’s a bit of mythology in putting all of your eggs in the emissions-market basket. Because what we’ve learned in the last 10 years is some of these market-based mechanisms are very good at efficiently capturing emissions reductions at the margin but they are not advancing these infrastructure changes that are so expensive.

Basically you need both tools — the incentives and market-based instruments, but you’ve got to work much more aggressively on the government side with a technology push with the private sector…. Right now the United States and Japan account for most of the public technology R&D. When you think about it, Japan doesn’t use very much coal. And America is essentially the only one putting major resources into this fundamental question. The president’s real challenge is everyone else ought to be working on that too.

Q. Did you say last night that one thing you’ll be pushing for [at upcoming climate-treaty talks] in Bali is a component for doing a lot more on R&D?

A. We’d like to see sectoral activity under the U.N. focused on those three areas I identified for emissions mitigation — which are low-emissions fossil, lower-carbon roadway transportation and deforestation. Everyone agrees that’s 90 percent of the challenge and yet that receives about 10 percent of the conversation.

The conversation tends to focus on adaptation funds, which are useful, on technology funds, which are useful, and on global emissions trading. But if the countries having those discussions aren’t really putting the investment, the much less expensive investment, into advancing the technology there’s just a real disconnect.

Comments are no longer being accepted.

Good God.

The world’s superpower remains brain dead,

Answering the question of what is a dangerous amount of warming would either require that we understand how to predict the climate perfectly or that the climate moves in a linear sense. We know that neither is true.

Climate estimates compiled by geochemists from past periods with large changes (e.g. ice ages) show that the climate is a highly non-linear system, with thresholds and sudden dramatic changes. This characteristic of non-linearity is going to make climate prediction difficult for some time to come. We are bringing about a period with warmer temperatures than have occurred in millions of years, so we also don’t have any similar past climate period to look at for guidance… so we have little clue whether or not there is a threshold — a “cliff” if you will — at 1-degree of warming, 3.5-degrees, or anywhere else ahead.

So, shall we put the foot on the gas, or start applying brakes? Most scientists are stressing that we need the latter approach …

Why try to prevent cancer when you’re not 100% sure it will hit you? That’s the kind of logic The White House is using at the moment. I’m looking forward to the elections in the US in hope that the American people will make a better choice this time.

Consider: If you are a parent, and if your young child wants to jump off a ten-foot ledge into a pond, head-first, how do you think about the issue in the following different situations?:

1. The water in the pond is clear, and you (as a parent) know that the water is 15 feet deep and that your child can swim.

2. The water in the pond is murky, and you (as a parent) have no idea whether the water is four inches deep or 15 feet deep.

Words like “uncertainty”, and the need for perfect knowledge that some people feel (before being willing to take responsible and wise action), seem to cause many people to overlook the fact that we shouldn’t take major risks with the lives of future generations or with the condition of the planet. To the degree that things may be imprecise (will temperatures increase X degrees or Y degrees?), such imprecision and uncertainty should not tell us that we should do nothing (until we “know”). We should “err”, if anything, on the side of good caretakers, i.e., on the side that a responsible parent would take in saying “no” to a child who wants to jump head-first into murky water of unknown depth.

I bet this guy worries more about his afterlife because he figures the consequences of not tending to that will be eternal.

Steven Earl Salmony November 17, 2007 · 5:47 pm

Are too many of our current leaders hiding the truth of global warming as well as “poisoning the well” of public discourse?

Too many of our politicians, economists, big-business execs and the talking heads in the mass media are all “whistling the same tune.” What is even worse is the way they entice appointees and surrogates to whistle that same tune, too. After all, who can resist offerings of great wealth, power and privileges that accrue to those who go along with what is political convenient, economically expedient, religiously tolerated and socially agreeable.

Not only are too many leaders hiding the truth, they are also actively poisoning the well of public discourse in the process. And for what? Evermore power, wealth and privileges for themselves and their minions so they can carefreely play out the “conspicuous consumption fantasies” of their “Me Generation” by living long, living large and living unsustainably, come what may, having forsaken the future of their children and forgotten how human life depends upon Earth’s limited resources and frangible ecosystem services for its very existence.

With thanks for your consideration,


Steven Earl Salmony
AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population

“Basically you need both tools — the incentives and market-based instruments”

Did he just say what I think he did? Granted, “market-based instruments” can be defined broadly, but Connaughton came mighty close to acknowledging that a carbon price of some sort is a necessary part of the solution.

No great technology push is needed to implement a program of energy conservation.
No technology push is needed to provide leadership for changing the unsustainable culture of the western world.
No technology push is needed to implement programs to reduce the environmental impact of coal-fired electricity and petroleum-fueled transportation.
What is needed is political will and shared sacrifice.
And while we dream of a technology like no other ever invented, a technology with no unanticipated consequences and no environmental impact, the temperature goes up….

The only positive about Bush’s position is that it will cause more damage to Red States.

Pardon my cynicism, but I think this WH response is nothing more than a continuation of their stalling tactics. Deal with Iraq? Next prez. Deal with global warming? Next prez. Deal with the skyrocketing federal debt and trade deficit and crashing dollar? Next prez. Deal with peak oil? Next prez. (You can probably add at least a few more to this list…)

The simple, ugly truth is that the current administration has no interest in doing anything meaningful that might even remotely impact Bush’s precious legacy, even if it makes these situations worse for the US and even the world. The fact that he/they still think he’ll have a worthwhile legacy is perfectly indicative of their level of willful detachment from reality.

We need serious leadership, an environmental and energy equivalent of FDR during WW II. I honestly wonder if and where we’ll ever find such a person.

Lou Grinzo
The Cost of Energy

I’m not an expert, but even to me it seems that with the climate warming at such a fast rate, whatever the cause, the sheer number of people on the earth at this time constitutes a crisis. The planet may be able to absorb such insults, but not without great harm to a portion of it’s population.

A good part of America’s right wing money base rests on 19th century federal grants of subsurface mineral rights. The holders of these interests don’t want their holdings reduced in value by limits to combustion.

The climate-hypochondrians’ ideology is wrong.
They don’t know what they are talking about.
The carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is self-regulating, depending on its physical properties together with natural laws like the thermodynamics.
The climate change is humbug business created by confidence men from politics and science.

Embarrassingly, one of my state’s senators, James Inhofe, is the only US senator who has publicly announced and STILL INSISTS that global warming is a hoax.
If Oklahoma replaces him with an Inhofe-clone (thankfully, he’s not running this time), I’ll be so embarrassed, I’ll have to figure out a way to cover my license plate when I drive out of state.

Let me apologize to the rest of the world for the actions of our current administration. Kinda like the Dixie Chicks, I am ashamed that George Bush is an American.

I am embarrassed for my country.

The course of human history does not necessarily requit humanity well. However, I think we have actually traveled far enough in the common human journey to recognize that we are merely a part of this planetary system and therefore, must re-imagine our role in a closed ecology.

Althouh IPCC 4th meeting pointed out global warming is very dangous, if we do not action, the White House still so dull and not like a top country in the world to lead world agaist global warming. They only think about their own business, they do not care that US’s greenhouse gas emission is affecting world poor areas. They are not gentleman, where is their chistchan spirits? I know that god teach us, to hlep people. But they are murdering world poor area’s people. Please remember that your gas emission is the top of the world, these emission make Africa drought, ocean island counties will disappear, bangoladesh flood. even make your own country, hurricane become stronger and stronger and surth California fir. When do you do the stronger action? When the sea level rise to your house? If untill that time, you act, it will be very late. Why we need pridict? Because if we do not act before disaster come, we can not manage the disaster. Action in advance is human’s ablity, White House is losing this ability. I think that you are not foolish, the only reason is that you are just thinking about your own business. You can use trilins dollors in Iraq, why can not invest more money in fight for global warming and cut your greenhouse gas more deeply? Cutting greenhouse gas emission is pretect your citizens, too. You neither protect your citizen nor save poor counties’ citizen. Please action now and wake up to do a real Christian, love people, not love money!!!

Hey, the good news!

The situation is worse and little effective action is occurring! It appears that several positive feedback situations are developing which will push the climate into a new undetermined stability that will be substantially less able to support life or human economic activity! With some luck, the pestilence known as man will be removed and the planet can try again to develop a cooperative species to work with the planet for greater diversity of life.

Mr. Connaughton is identified as the
president’s “top environmental aide”. Well, may the saints preserve us if the way he mumbles and bumbles is an indication of his reasoning processes.

The scale of this Administration disingenuousness and inability to solve problems is almost beyond co9mprehension.

Here is what Bush has done on global warming:

Election campaign: Bush promises to regulate greenhouse gases

Month 1: Bush breaks promise.

Year 1-4: Administration claims science on global warming is too speculative to act.

Years 5-7: Administration claims human role in global warming is too speculative to act.

Year 8: Administration now claims defining ‘dangerous’ levels of temperature change is too speculative to act.

What a global tragedy this has been.

It feels like these global warming articles get moved so quickly from focus for all major news outlets in favor of much less newsworthy stories. Why does that happen?

Regarding posting #1 –

Yes, we are truly brain-dead – greed and easy credit, and the promise of inexhaustible cheap gasoline- have managed to short-circuit most of the synapses in the average American brain.

Regarding posting #3 –

You are an optimist, but please see posting #1. We are as a nation brain-dead, and the majority of people in this country will make the wrong choice again in 2008.

Regarding posting #5 –

This man does not worry, since to do that would mean you have to have some sense of the consequence of choices, which most of us tend to understand by the time we turn 40 or 50. Please note his record during 2003-2007, during which time he was actually elected as well!

Why is it that US Taxpayers are asked to accept even more risk in the form of carbon taxes or increased environmental costs with an economy that Senator Shumer said is running head on into the four horsemen of the economic apocalypse? Europe, Japan, and the US are in no position to accept these higher environemental costs given their poor economic growth potential going forward. China and India are forecast to grow their economies at near double-digit rates over the next decade while dramatically increasing their carbon emmissions.
The governments of China and India obviously don’t care how the Bush Administration defines global warming…they have hundreds of millions of incredibly poor people who are finally getting a taste of economic prosperity and have that as their near-term priority. Maybe the IPCC should just bypass the US, Europe, and Japan entirely, and deal directly with China and India who are the most important countries going forward over the next 25 years anyway? Let me know when the IPCC publishes that report, I will be very interested in reading even line of that report.

What can we be sure of? Arctic sea ice melted (50%) glaciers are disappearing, our planet is warming. What can we be sure of? Atmospheric CO2 has gone up like a hot air balloon, global temperature must follow, it will get much worse. What can we be sure of? Uneven global climate. We will experience unusual storms, flooding, drought and other effects. What can we be sure of? Government is rarely effective, we can be sure of that.

I feel bad that Mr. Revkin couldn’t get the administration to bite on what even some global warming scientists admit is an irrelevant, and most feel unquantifiable, “dangerous” level of global warming. When the degree and basis of “global warming” is so unclear, it is of course impossible to define a “dangerous” level of warming.

Even if such a level was defined, what would it mean? We still don’t know how human actions can be quantified to specific changes in the earth’s atmosphere.

Such logic though escapes those, like Mr. Revkin, who apparently would like a nice “soundbite” headline.

[Andy Revkin responds: I wasn’t seeking a sound bite. I’m really examining the utility of the underlying 1992 climate treaty. That is where all nations pledged to avoid “dangerous” human interference with the climate system. But none of them seem able to say what that means, and in the meantime emissions keep rising…]