LabSpaces Points
How It Works
The points system has been developed as a way to reward our users for providing interesting links, starting topics of discussion, and posting site wide comments. This system may be used as a means to distribute prizes for various contests on the site.

The top all time users and the top users every month will be displayed in the Top Users section of the main page of the website. Users can track their point status by looking under their name in the welcome box.

You must be a registered user to earn points!

The system is fairly simple. You can earn points for suggesting a news link to be posted to the "From the Web" section of the website, for posting comments on news articles or blogs, or posting replies and creating new threads in the forum. You can also earn points from other users on the site who "Like" your comments or posts. These points will be used to determine the all time and monthly totals for each user. However, you can also lose points in this system. Users can "Dislike" comments with a maximum limit of 1 dislike per comment (and you can only dislike any one person's comments 3 times in a day, to prevent abuse). Additionally, if your post must be deleted for any reason (ie posts determined as abusive or spam), you will lose 20 points.

Points Breakdown
You can receive points for:
Submitting a newslink that gets approved - plus 50 Submit them HERE
Posting a comment on a newslink, blog post, or posting in the forum - plus 5
Likes from other users - plus 1 per like

You can lose points for:
Posting Spammy or abusive comments on news stories, blogs, or in the forum - minus 20
Dislikes from other users - minus 1 per dislike
