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Posted by: Alisa Walters
Posted on: Thu, Dec 19, 2013, 11:53 am CST



Recently, John Hopkins of Baltimore Maryland made public the findings of an in-depth study they conducted on the effectiveness of vitmains and minerals.  In their study they found that there was no clear correlation between an individual who takes a variety of vitamin and mineral supplements and the prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer or other ailments.   Just like the vitamin and supplement industry, the varicose vein treatment industry is going through its own shake-up of what is works as effective treatment and what does not.  The internet is alive with hundreds of sites proclaiming that product "X" and this eBook have the hidden secrets for varicose vein treatments and prevention.  But, when it comes down to it, most of these are simply ineffective or quite simply do not work.


Exercise and staying active has always been a hallmark of prevention.  When an individual exercises blood circulation in the body increases. As the body's many muscles contract and expand, blood is pushed through the body's vascular system and towards the heart.  It has long been said that increased exercise for those suffering from varicose veins can help in the expansion of these blocked and occluded veins.  However, there has been no conclusive evidence that shows there is a direct correlation between one and the other. This means that you will not feel increased pain from exercise nor will it remedy the problem.  It is important to note that if you have recently had surgery to remove varicose veins exercise can aid and expedite the healing process.

Supplements and Vitamins

The truth of the matter is that supplements, vitamins and minerals simply cannot undo the damage caused by varicose veins.  Having said this, there are legions of individuals that will swear that horse chestnut, vitamin E and other various supplements can alleviate varicose veins.  Varicose veins occur from damaged veins and improper blood flow.  This is a result of the breakdown of valves in the veins that have broken down and can no longer properly pump blood through the veins.  At the end of the day, the body has roughly 4 times the amount of veins it needs to provide functional life and removing the occluded vein will not be at the detriment to proper blood flow.


Fiber is an essential component of the body's ability to properly digest food.  However, their is no conclusive evidence that increased fiber intake can do anything for varicose veins.  The high fiber theory stems from the colon's ability to compress down upon major veins when compacted.  If an individual is suffering from constipation some have speculated that this increased blockage and pressure can lead to increased pain as the colon is apply increased weight to the damaged veins.  But, just like the rest of the theories, this one again has had no scientific studies that directly point from A to B.

Phlrbologist, Cardiothoracic Surgeons and Endovascular Specialists

At the end of the day you will want to make sure any treatment or therapy you receive for varicose veins comes directly from a trained professional.  The internet is alive with stories of what worked for individual A and what didn't work for person B.  At best, this information should only be a supplement to the advice and counseling that certified, trained and educated professionals impart to you. 


If you have any further thoughts, ideas or simply want to ask a question I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.
