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Kym Dray

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Angry Scientist
West Coast Pharma
User Information
Address:2855 FolsomBoulder, CO 80303 Interests:
quantum physics, molecular biology, cosmology
Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., John F Kennedy, Diana - Princess of Wales, Francis Crick, James D Watson, St Teresa of Avila, St John of the Cross, St Francis, Joan of Arc, Richard Feynman, Leonard Susskind, Michio Kaku, Steven Weinberg, Brian Greene, Joe Dispenza, Fred Alan Wolf (Dr. Quantum)
Non-Scientific Interests:
I'm not here to be liked. The sheeple are still asleep. I'm here to wake them up.

"Every single one of them is Jesus in disguise." ~ Mother Teresa

‎"I'm just gonna breathe in Jesus and breathe out peace." Jen Kober

What would I do today, if I were brave?

No one ever said loving beyond reason was easy.

Faith + Science = Now we're getting somewhere.

Once corporate. Once homeless. It's all the same.

I AM...and so are You. I study all religions and all ways toward peace and nonviolence. My passion is social justice; to work within the interfaith community, encouraging and embracing peace, unity, equality and freedom for All.

Specialties: Religious Studies, Social Justice, Human Rights, Community Outreach and Advocacy, Grant Writing, Fundraising, Computer Networking and Administration, Application and Webpage Development (HTML, XML, Java, C#, SQL)
Education History
Pittsburg State University
0/0 - 0/1986

Description of Work:
Computer Science/Information Systems Biology College
Work History
0/0 - Present
Research/Grant Writer
Unity Church of Boulder
Boulder, Colorado,
11/2009 - 4/2011
Corporate Contract Developer
9/1995 - 8/2001
Network Adminstrator / Applications Developer
Description of Work:
InfoImage / Microsoft, Motorola (Aerospace Div.), ABS (Alternative Behavioral Solutions), MicroAge, St Johns Regional Medical Center, NPC (National Pizza Corp.)