Allan Kalueff

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Kalueff Lab
Tulane University
User Information
Address:1430 Tulane Ave, SL-83New Orleans, LA 70112 Keywords:
zebrafish, experimental animal models
ark A Tien D Wong K Chung A Cachat J Goodspeed J Grimes C Elegante M Suciu C Elkhayat S Bartels B Jackson A Rosenberg M Chung KM Badani H Kadri F Roy S Tan J Gaikwad S Stewart A Zapolsky I Gilder T Kalueff AV. 2010. and its patterning..Behav. Brain Res.. 208:553-9
Hart PC Bergner CL Smolinsky AN Dufour BD Egan RJ Laporte JL Kalueff AV. 2010. Experimental models of anxiety for drug discovery and brain research..Methods Mol. Biol.. 602:299-321
Bergner CL Smolinsky AN Hart PC Dufour BD Egan RJ Laporte JL Kalueff AV. 2010. Mouse models for studying depression-like states and antidepressant drugs..Methods Mol. Biol.. 602:267-82
Lou YR Molnár F Peräkylä M Qiao S Kalueff AV St-Arnaud R Carlberg C Tuohimaa P. 2010. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D(3) is an agonistic vitamin D receptor ligand..J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.. 118:162-70
Kalueff AV Olivier JD Nonkes LJ Homberg JR. 2010. Conserved role for the serotonin transporter gene in rat and mouse neurobehavioral endophenotypes..Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 34:373-86
Tuohimaa P Keisala T Minasyan A Cachat J Kalueff A. 2010. Vitamin D, nervous system and aging..Psychoneuroendocrinology. 34:S278-86
Egan RJ Bergner CL Hart PC Cachat JM Canavello PR Elegante MF Elkhayat SI Bartels BK Tien AK Tien DH Mohnot S Beeson E Glasgow E Amri H Zukowska Z Kalueff AV. 2010. Understanding behavioral and physiological phenotypes of stress and anxiety in zebrafish..Behav. Brain Res.. 205:38-44
LaPorte JL Egan RJ Hart PC Bergner CL Cachat JM Canavello PR Kalueff AV. 2010. Qui non proficit, deficit: experimental models for 'integrative' research of affective disorders..J Affect Disord. 121:1-9
Wong K Elegante M Bartels B Elkhayat S Tien D Roy S Goodspeed J Suciu C Tan J Grimes C Chung A Rosenberg M Gaikwad S Denmark A Jackson A Kadri F Chung KM Stewart A Gilder T Beeson E Zapolsky I Wu N Cachat J Kalueff AV. 2009. Analyzing habituation responses to novelty in zebrafish (Danio rerio)..Behav. Brain Res.. 208:450-7