Press Release
Major new study examines explanations for math 'gender gap'

Thanks to American Mathematical Society for this article.

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Maps and Phenogroups (MAP)
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Tue, Dec 13, 2011, 1:58 pm CST

Maps and Phenogroups (MAP)
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Tue, Dec 13, 2011, 2:17 pm CST

1. My comments are not intended to challenge what is obviously an important and interesting study.

2. I think I recall that in countries where women excel in math = to or > men (Scandinavia, Russia, France?) and/or where females are represented in math-based fields (physics) at a higher percentage than men (Russia), women are, nonetheless, less likely to occupy the more theoretical aspects of these fields (e.g. theoretical physics).

3. The "greater male variability hypothesis" is a fundamental, controvertial issue in genetics that can be traced back at least to I.M. Lerner 1970 Dover Pub. NY. This H is not, per se, that males exhibit > trait variability compared to females but, rather, that females are more canalized (buffered genetically from environmental or other perturbations) than males (also see T.W. Schoener 1971 Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 2). Whether or not Lerner's results for Drosophila (and more recent studies) are applicable across species (e.g. applicable to humans) is still debated. 

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