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Can Health Care Be Cured Of Racial Bias?
A growing body of research suggests that doctors' racial biases and other prejudices continue to affect the care patients received. Medical educators say self-awareness is an important first step.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Friday, Aug 21, 2015, 7:50am
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‘Dipstick’ in the brain could predict damage just in time
A probe inserted into a person's brain can alert intensive-care staff to a critical drop in energy supply, potentially saving the patient's life
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Tuesday, Aug 04, 2015, 10:37am
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Six Ways the Civil War Changed American Medicine
150 years ago, the historic conflict forced doctors to get creative and to reframe the way they thought about medicine
Source: Smithsonian
Posted on: Thursday, Jun 18, 2015, 10:42am
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Pocket-sized fingerprint scanner could solve healthcare bottleneck
British postgraduate students have devised a pocket-sized fingerprint scanner designed to help patients in the developing world get improved access to healthcare.
Source: Reuters
Posted on: Tuesday, May 05, 2015, 10:39am
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Why Many Doctors Don't Follow 'Best Practices'
Doctors, it turns out, often don't follow evidence-based guidelines. One result? Unnecessary tests. Scientists who study this contrariness think they know why.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015, 2:12pm
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IBM's Watson to provide software for personalised healthcare
IBM is partnering with Apple and medical device companies to develop a cloud-based health platform for its Watson supercomputer
Computer Science
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 16, 2015, 8:09am
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Astrology should never have any role to play in healthcare
Tory MP David Tredinnick seems to believe that astrology could inform and improve UK healthcare. This view is misguided and potentially dangerous
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Thursday, Feb 26, 2015, 7:56am
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3D-printed hearts help surgeons save babies' lives
Doctors have used perfect replicas of childrens' hearts to uncover and repair hidden defects
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Thursday, Nov 20, 2014, 12:49pm
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Smart health monitors to predict your medical future
Lifelogging is more than just counting steps. More tech firms are trying to predict your health using data from devices like Fitbits
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Friday, Nov 07, 2014, 9:26am
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How Much Is That MRI, Really? Massachusetts Shines A Light
A state law now requires insurers to reveal prices of their medical tests, and the variation is amazing, bargain hunters say. An MRI of the back is $614 at one place; $1,800 at another.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Thursday, Nov 06, 2014, 8:17am
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Your nose knows death is imminent
Losing the sense of smell predicts death within five years, according to new research.
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Wednesday, Oct 01, 2014, 2:36pm
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"Critical" flaw found in security
But federal hackers who spotted it also praise some Obamacare website security provisions
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Tuesday, Sep 23, 2014, 8:48am
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Libertarian ideology is the natural enemy of science
Whether the issue is climate change, healthcare or gun control, libertarians are on a permanent collision course with evidence
Science Politics
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Friday, Aug 29, 2014, 8:33am
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Google exec hired to help fix government websites
Following the debacle, a former Google engineer is put in charge of new digital team in Washington
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Wednesday, Aug 13, 2014, 7:45am
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Half Of Americans Believe In Medical Conspiracy Theories
Despite evidence to the contrary, many Americans believe cellphones cause cancer and that health officials are covering it up. Discredited theories about vaccines and fluoridation also remain popular.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Thursday, Mar 20, 2014, 8:09am
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'Lung In A Box' Keeps Organs Breathing Before Transplants
For decades, doctors have transported donor organs chilled on ice in a plain old cooler. But a company is trying to come up with a better way to carry the lifesaving organs. The experimental machines keep hearts beating and lungs moving outside the body.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Tuesday, Feb 11, 2014, 10:31am
Rating: | Views: 1142 | Comments: 0
Stethoscope set to be supplanted by new technology
Heart experts predict pocket-sized ultrasound machines will improve diagnostic accuracy and reduce complications
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Friday, Jan 24, 2014, 7:58am
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The history of medicine in 100,000 pictures
The Wellcome Library's stunning collection of images reveal centuries of our quest to understand the human body and its illnesses – and they're now free    
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Tuesday, Jan 21, 2014, 9:22am
Rating: | Views: 1147 | Comments: 0
Smartphone EEG to diagnose epilepsy in poor nations
A cheap and light version of EEG, run using software on a smartphone, could diagnose epilepsy in places where the disease often goes dangerously untreated    
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Friday, Jan 17, 2014, 11:49am
Rating: | Views: 1155 | Comments: 0
From IVF to dementia: six health breakthroughs we might see in 2014
A revolution in fertility treatment and radical new approaches to ovarian cancer and age-related illnesses could mean the next 12 months are momentous for healthcare
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Monday, Jan 06, 2014, 9:11am
Rating: | Views: 1205 | Comments: 0
A Tale of Two Drugs
Today’s medicines can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. The story of how two companies set prices for their costly new drugs suggests that the way we determine the value of such treatments will help decide the future of our health-care system.
Source: Technology Review
Posted on: Tuesday, Oct 22, 2013, 11:36am
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Why the data on all drug trials must be released
Results of thousands of clinical trials remain unreported – leading to bad treatment decisions and duplicated research effort
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Wednesday, Sep 18, 2013, 7:46am
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How colour-changing technology could revolutionise the medical industry
From chameleon syringes to self-expiring packaging, designers are turning their hands to graphic medical applications
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Wednesday, Aug 28, 2013, 8:20am
Rating: | Views: 1302 | Comments: 0
Jeremy Hunt launches genomics body to oversee healthcare revolution
Genomics England will aim to attract private investment in life sciences, but campaigners raise patient privacy concerns
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Friday, Jul 05, 2013, 8:04am
Rating: | Views: 1534 | Comments: 0
Treatments of physical and mental health are coming together
Physicians and therapists traditionally haven't collaborated much when treating the same patient, but the federal healthcare law is spurring a change.Many days, the sheer weight of Iszurette Hunter's clinical depression becomes more than she can lift. She clings to her bed in her South Los Angeles home. Important obligations slide away, including keeping appointments with doctors who are trying to control her asthma and high blood pressure.
Source: L.A. Times
Posted on: Monday, Jun 10, 2013, 8:04am
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GOP governors’ endorsements of Medicaid expansion deepen rifts within party
Republican fissures over the expansion of Medicaid, a critical piece of the 2010 health-care law designed to provide coverage to millions of uninsured Americans, continue to deepen, with battles in Arizona and elsewhere showing just how bitter the divisions have become.
Source: Washington Post
Posted on: Monday, Jun 03, 2013, 9:16am
Rating: | Views: 1272 | Comments: 0
Carbon Nanotube Sensor Detects Glucose in Saliva
Painful finger-prick blood tests for diabetics could become a thing of the past, say physicists who have built a sensor that measures glucose in saliva
Source: Technology Review
Posted on: Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013, 10:18am
Rating: | Views: 1203 | Comments: 0
Mining information contained in clinical notes could yield early signs of harmful drug reactions
Mining the records of routine interactions between patients and their care providers can detect drug side effects a couple of years before an official alert from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a Stanford University School of Medicine study has found.
Source: Stanford University Medical Center
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 11, 2013, 11:45am
Rating: | Views: 1531 | Comments: 0
Study finds copper reduces 58 percent of healthcare-acquired infections
New research has revealed that the use of Antimicrobial Copper surfaces in hospital rooms can reduce the number of healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs) by 58% as compared to patients treated in Intensive Care Units with non-copper touch surfaces. In the United States, 1 out of every 20 hospital patients develops an HAI, resulting in an estimated 100,000 deaths per ye
Source: Kellen Communications - NY
Posted on: Wednesday, Apr 10, 2013, 4:30pm
Rating: | Views: 68028 | Comments: 5
What you eat before surgery may affect your recovery
According to a new study, the last few meals before surgery might make a difference in recovery after surgery. Fat tissue is one of the most dominant components that make up the body, and fat tissue is always traumatized during major surgery.
Source: Brigham and Women's Hospital
Posted on: Friday, Mar 22, 2013, 12:30pm
Rating: | Views: 1596 | Comments: 0