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Bugs: Not What's For Dinner — Until They're Tastier, Maybe
A U.K. researcher says the environmental argument for eating bugs isn't working on its own. She says chefs and policymakers must "make insect dishes appeal as food, not just a way to save the planet."
Source: NPR
Posted on: Thursday, May 28, 2015, 8:05am
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As Antibiotic Resistance Spreads, WHO Plans Strategy To Fight It
The problem has gotten so bad that some doctors are pondering a "post-antibiotic world." The World Health Organization says countries need to boost surveillance for resistance and develop new drugs.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Wednesday, May 27, 2015, 7:24am
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How Partitioned Grocery Carts Can Help Shoppers Buy Healthier Foods
Eating healthy is easier said than done. Same with buying healthy food. Research finds that putting in partitions in grocery carts can increase the likelihood shoppers buy healthy fruits and veggies.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Tuesday, May 26, 2015, 8:45am
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Covered California Votes To Cap What Patients Pay For Pricey Drugs
The agency that administers Obamacare in California moved to make expensive medicines more affordable in 2016. In most plans, patients will pay no more than $150 or $250 a month.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Friday, May 22, 2015, 11:49am
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Bullied kids have higher risk of adult obesity and heart disease
LONDON (Reuters) - Victims of childhood bullying are more likely to be overweight or obese as adults and have a higher risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses, according to a study by British psychiatrists.
Source: Reuters
Posted on: Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 8:02am
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Young blood helps repair fractured bones of ageing mice
Youthful blood has once again shown its promise as an elixir of youth – this time helping to rejuvenate bones. But exactly how it does so is still to be unravelled
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 8:02am
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Health and data: can digital fitness monitors revolutionise our lives?
From granular microchips to voice analysis, health-tracking technology offers medical benefits but doubt persist about the quality and security of data gathered
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 8:20am
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The Great Pot Experiment
Legalization keeps rolling ahead. But because of years of government roadblocks on research, we don’t know nearly enough about the dangers of marijuana—or the benefits
Source: TIME Magazine
Posted on: Thursday, May 14, 2015, 9:58am
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A Fish With Cancer Raises Questions About Health Of Susquehanna River
The smallmouth bass with a malignant tumor was caught late last year near Duncannon, Pa. Officials say it's the first time such a tumor has been found in the state on that type of fish.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Friday, May 08, 2015, 8:29am
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Viable at 22 Weeks: Just How Low Can Preemies Go?
A landmark study raises tough questions about science and ethics
Source: TIME Magazine
Posted on: Friday, May 08, 2015, 8:29am
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"Miracle" baby born using breakthrough IVF treatment
New procedure gives hope to parents struggling to conceive but has some researchers worried about long-term health effects
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Friday, May 08, 2015, 8:29am
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Measles leaves you vulnerable to a host of deadly diseases
Here's another reason to vaccinate kids. Measles wipes our immune system memory, leaving us at risk of diseases such as meningitis and pneumonia
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Friday, May 08, 2015, 8:29am
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Ebola experience is a wake-up call for the WHO
The World Health Organization is in need of both reform and money to give it the best chance of dealing with potential global health threats in future
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Thursday, May 07, 2015, 9:44am
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Withdrawal drug could help cannabis addicts kick the habit
An extract of cannabis itself could be the perfect drug to treat the growing numbers of people who want to kick their habit but suffer withdrawal symptoms
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Thursday, May 07, 2015, 9:44am
Rating: | Views: 1453 | Comments: 0
See How What Makes Us Happy Has Changed Over the Past 80 Years
These days we consider good humor and leisure time to be crucial to our happiness
Source: TIME Magazine
Posted on: Tuesday, May 05, 2015, 10:39am
Rating: | Views: 1510 | Comments: 0
Why The Urologist Is Usually A Man, But Maybe Not For Long
Just 8 percent of doctors practicing urology are female. But urologists treat kidneys and urinary tracts, not just prostates and penises. That male-focused image may be scaring patients away.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 30, 2015, 8:45am
Rating: | Views: 1703 | Comments: 0
Why Do Mosquitoes Like To Bite You Best? It's In Your Genes
Researchers set hungry mosquitoes loose on identical and fraternal twins. They found that inherited genes do play a role in making you a mosquito magnet.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 23, 2015, 12:02pm
Rating: | Views: 1926 | Comments: 0
World's first images of taste buds in action
Scientists have for the first time captured how taste sensations are processed on the tongue
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 23, 2015, 12:02pm
Rating: | Views: 1935 | Comments: 0
Wireless routers could spy on your breathing and heartbeat
A radar-like system that fits inside a Wi-Fi box can record health data and keep tabs on your mood – without you even noticing
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015, 2:12pm
Rating: | Views: 1504 | Comments: 0
Tylenol Might Dull Emotional Pain, Too
People who took acetaminophen responded less strongly to happy or sad photos in a small study. It's one of several studies suggesting that there's an overlap with pain and other feelings.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 16, 2015, 8:09am
Rating: | Views: 1181 | Comments: 0
Why Knuckles Crack
A little MRI video seems to settle the decades-old debate about that loud pop of the joints: It's all about bubbles. But imagine an air bag inflating, not the bursting of a balloon.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 16, 2015, 8:09am
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Hippo dung is health food for river animals
Rivers filled with hippo faeces may sound disgusting, but the excrement provides nutrition for fish and aquatic insects
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 16, 2015, 8:09am
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IBM's Watson to provide software for personalised healthcare
IBM is partnering with Apple and medical device companies to develop a cloud-based health platform for its Watson supercomputer
Computer Science
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 16, 2015, 8:09am
Rating: | Views: 1727 | Comments: 0
Is It Time For A Warning Label On Sugar-Loaded Drinks?
New legislation in California and New York proposes a label for sugary beverages. The label looks like the warning on cigarette packages, but the beverage industry has called it "misleading."
Source: NPR
Posted on: Friday, Apr 10, 2015, 9:24am
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Why Narcissists Will Live Long if They Avoid Risky Business
A strange mix of living well and taking risks adds one more puzzle to the narcissistic personality
Source: TIME Magazine
Posted on: Friday, Apr 10, 2015, 9:24am
Rating: | Views: 1291 | Comments: 0
Painful baldness cure: Regenerate hair by plucking what's left
It's not for the faint hearted but it works in mice. When enough hair is plucked out, an immune signal sent to nearby hair follicles triggers extra hair to grow back
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Friday, Apr 10, 2015, 9:24am
Rating: | Views: 1429 | Comments: 0
Radicalisation: A mental health issue, not a religious one
To understand the appeal of extremist ideologies we need to look beyond the usual explanations, says a professor of epidemiology
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Friday, Apr 10, 2015, 9:24am
Rating: | Views: 1364 | Comments: 0
Underweight people face significantly higher risk of dementia, study suggests
Research involving health records of 2 million people condradicts current thinking, sparking surprise among authors and health experts
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Friday, Apr 10, 2015, 9:24am
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Risk of diabetes type 1 'can be tripled by childhood stress'
Stress from serious events in first 14 years of life may be risk factor and one trigger for disease, finds Swedish study of 10,000 families
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Friday, Apr 10, 2015, 9:24am
Rating: | Views: 1462 | Comments: 0
Face transplant fixes dangerous knot of blood vessels
An intricate knot of malformed blood vessels put this man's life at risk until a 27-hour-long operation gave him a brand new face
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 09, 2015, 8:08am
Rating: | Views: 1177 | Comments: 0