Wallace Marshall

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User Information
Graduate PhD
Address:GH-N372F Dept. Biochemistry600 16th St.San Francisco, CA 94158 USAKeywords:
centrioles, cilia, Chlamydomonas, image processing, modeling, organelle size control
My lab is interested in the engineering design principles that underlie cellular morphogenesis. We want to understand how the three-dimensional geometry of cells can be encoded in a one-dimensional genome and developed into varying cellular architectures under genetic control. We are investigating this question at the level of individual organelles (centrioles, cilia, and mitochondria) as well as through studies of the overall architecture of cells. We are particularly interested in the control of organelle size and copy number, and in the role of biological self-replication processes. Our lab uses a combination of genomic, proteomic, imaging, and mathematical modeling approaches.
flagellar length control, organelle size control, centriole duplication and number control, orientation of centrioles and cilia, cell shape, inheritance of spatial information, self-organization, detecting structure in apparently amorphous objects, pattern formation in single cells
D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, Karl Weierstrass, J.S. Bach, Willard van Ormond Quine
Herbert Boyer Junior Faculty Endowed Chair,
W.M. Keck Foundation Distinguished Young Scholar in Medical Research,
Searle Scholar,
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Special Fellow,
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow,
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Predoctoral Fellow
Non-Scientific Interests:
Baroque Music
Education History
Yale University
New Haven, CT USA
6/1997 - 8/2003
Postdoctoral Fellow
Description of Work:
Postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Joel Rosenbau, MCDB Dept.
San Francisco, CA USA
9/1991 - 6/1997
Ph.D. Biochemistry
Description of Work:
Graduate student, advisor John Sedat, Dept. of Biochemistry. Developed software tools for analyzing three-dimensional structure and dynamics within the nucleus, and used them to identify specific interactions sites of chromatin with the nuclear envelope and to quantify the diffusional motion of interphase chromatin in living cells.
SUNY Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY USA
9/1986 - 6/1991
B.E. Electrical Engineering and B.S. Biochemistry
Work History
University of California San Francisco
San Francisco, CA USA
9/2003 - Present
Associate Professor
Description of Work:
Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Biophysics
Marshall WF. 2009. Chapter 1 Basal bodies platforms for building cilia..Curr. Top. Dev. Biol.. 85:1-22
Rasi MQ Parker JD Feldman JL Marshall WF Quarmby LM. 2009. Katanin knockdown supports a role for microtubule severing in release of basal bodies before mitosis in Chlamydomonas..Mol. Biol. Cell. 20:379-88
Feldman JL Marshall WF. 2009. ASQ2 encodes a TBCC-like protein required for mother-daughter centriole linkage and mitotic spindle orientation..Curr. Biol.. 19:1238-43
Marshall WF. 2009. Quantitative high-throughput assays for flagella-based motility in chlamydomonas using plate-well image analysis and transmission correlation spectroscopy..Curr. Biol.. 14:133-41
Keller LC Geimer S Romijn E Yates J Zamora I Marshall WF. 2008. Molecular Architecture of the Centriole Proteome: The Conserved WD40 Domain Protein POC1 Is Required for Centriole Duplication and Length Control..Mol. Biol. Cell. 85:1-22
Marshall WF. 2008. Controlling size within cells..Semin. Cell Dev. Biol.. 19:479
Marshall WF. 2008. Modeling recursive RNA interference..PLoS Comput. Biol.. 4:e1000183
Marshall WF. 2008. Engineering design principles for organelle size control systems..Semin. Cell Dev. Biol.. 19:520-4
Rafelski SM Marshall WF. 2008. Building the cell: design principles of cellular architecture..Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol.. 9:593-602
Marshall WF. 2008. Use of transcriptomic data to support organelle proteomic analysis..Methods Mol. Biol.. 432:403-14
Keller LC Marshall WF. 2008. Isolation and proteomic analysis of Chlamydomonas centrioles..Methods Mol. Biol.. 432:289-300
Marshall WF Kintner C. 2008. Cilia orientation and the fluid mechanics of development..Curr. Opin. Cell Biol.. 20:48-52
Marshall WF. 2008. The cell biological basis of ciliary disease..J. Cell Biol.. 180:17-21
Marshall WF. 2007. Centriole assembly: the origin of nine-ness..Curr. Biol.. 17:R1057-9
Feldman JL Geimer S Marshall WF. 2007. The mother centriole plays an instructive role in defining cell geometry..PLoS Biol.. 5:e149
Marshall WF. 2007. Stability and robustness of an organelle number control system: modeling and measuring homeostatic regulation of centriole abundance..Biophys. J.. 93:1818-33
Wemmer KA Marshall WF. 2007. Flagellar length control in chlamydomonas--paradigm for organelle size regulation..Int. Rev. Cytol.. 260:175-212
Marshall WF. 2006. What is the function of centrioles?.J. Cell. Biochem.. 100:916-22
Mogilner A Wollman R Marshall WF. 2006. Quantitative modeling in cell biology: what is it good for?.Dev. Cell. 11:279-87
Marshall WF Nonaka S. 2006. Cilia: tuning in to the cell's antenna..Curr. Biol.. 16:R604-14