thumbs up and thumbs down

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thumbs up and thumbs down
Mon, Oct 04, 2010, 1:22 am CDT

Hi Brian,

When I click the "thumbs up" as I did on the Biotech forum for my new posters, the thumbs up disappears and left behind is only a thumbs down.

Can each person get only one thumbs up? Now it kinda looks like I gave them a thumbs down because it shows a "1" and the thumbs down.

So I think the thumbs up sign shouldn't go away once it is clicked so they can get more points but also, I don't want them to think I went down and gave them all thumbs down.

Check it out and you'll see what I mean.


Brian Krueger, PhD
Columbia University Medical Center
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thumbs up and thumbs down
Sun, Oct 03, 2010, 7:00 pm CDT

The up only disapears if you have voted for them. Everyone else is still given the option to thumb them up. This helps you know which comments you've voted up. Users don't see thumbs on their own posts, you can't vote for yourself :) All they can see is the final tally.

Dr Becca, Ph.D.
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thumbs up and thumbs down
Mon, Oct 04, 2010, 1:22 am CDT

Also, if someone gives a post a thumbs down, the tally is negative, so there's no confusion!

thumbs up and thumbs down