iCame, iSaw, iPad...

UC Davis
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iCame, iSaw, iPad...
Tue, Nov 30, 2010, 4:39 pm CST

I don't want to be a completely heartless biatch and rub it in that I won the iPad competition, but I did just want to say a few words about what the competition and my interaction with you all on Lab Spaces has meant, other than the obvious…

I'm a newbie to the site as you all are aware, I was already on the site before the competition began, but I have to admit that that was what really got me interacting with the site, before I just came on to read the blog articles and maybe have a poke around the news.

I've always been a little bit hesitant about commenting on articles and blog posts on the internet, particularly when it comes to science and science writing.  I guess I'm a little sensitive and tend to take things that people say to heart (not really a good thing when there are plenty of people out there willing to say precisely what they think, no holds barred). I have to say one of the main things that the competition has done for me in that respect is to force me to get over myself and just start commenting (that was the point of the competition after all). Now, it just seems to come as second nature to me and I feel like I've developed a bit of a thicker skin and can actually come up with some good points about things I feel impassioned about.

I also feel that all this commenting has lead to some pretty cool discussions in a lot of cases, I learnt things I never knew before, broadened my opinions on a number of different topics and slowly got to know a few of you on the site and realised that a lot of you are just like me. This has also helped me in writing my own blog pieces, I have read many fantastic blog posts that have in turn given me ideas about the kind of writing style I want to develop and even some ideas for things to write about. This kind of networking and reading is essential for any aspiring writer in my opinion and of all the blog sites I've been on, this is definitely the most interactive. I even managed to recruit a few of you to read my latest blog pieces and got some great feedback.

My main partner in crime has also told me how this competition has been of help to him. Will was the main instigator in getting people discussing the news articles and press releases more. He said that in reading all those news articles he actually came across some potential ideas for experiments and has even suggested a collaboration to his PI that is now coming to fruition. Now I don't feel so guilty about getting him to help me out. Though Will is feeling a little guilty for stealing 3rd place from Jason. He intended not to go over Jason's score, but there was a bit of fierce competition late last night, so sorry Jason!

Finally, it really brought my attention to the Donor's Choose scheme that you guys have all been promoting on the site. In fact I even posted it on my facebook page and discovered that a friend of mine knows someone who works for the charity, who was very pleased to see it getting such good publicity! On that note, I wanted to change things up a little bit for you guys.  Instead of succumbing to any more bribes or threats, I thought I would try something new. I intend to make another contribution to the scheme since we've just been paid again and I promised myself I would if I won the competition. So I thought I would set a challenge for you all…


Whoever can give me the best, most innovative or funniest reason in this forum for donating to the cause closest to their heart by the end of the week (Friday), I will donate to that cause*


I must end by saying that it was a damn close race and Nikkilina and her recruits put up a really excellent fight, in fact I really didn't think I had won at all until I logged on this morning.  I have to recognise all her hard work as well.  I only hope that we have served in some small way to contribute to the site with our comments (though perhaps those made between 10 and 12 last night should be ignored, if anyone wants a good laugh you should check out the Ostrich and Cane toads news articles!) and with our new recruits and I look forward to continuing to read the excellent blogs and other content on the Lab Spaces site.





*Nothing too long, just a sentence or two, since I appreciate you've already all put a great effort into your blog posts on this, but I can't decide!


Brian Krueger, PhD
Columbia University Medical Center
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iCame, iSaw, iPad...
Mon, Nov 01, 2010, 2:29 pm CDT

I'm glad you had had fun with the contest.  The goal really was to get people talking and to get you guys to help me recruit some new people to the site.  Thanks everyone for helping out.  I'm sure we'll do another contest sometime soon!

Thomas Joseph
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iCame, iSaw, iPad...
Tue, Nov 30, 2010, 3:33 pm CST

Where's my t-shirt Brian? :P

Brian Krueger, PhD
Columbia University Medical Center
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iCame, iSaw, iPad...
Tue, Nov 30, 2010, 4:39 pm CST

I lost your address :P Send it to me again and I'll send it.

iCame, iSaw, iPad...