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Dainty step gives mosquito legs strength to walk on water
A mosquito can bear up to 23 times its total body weight on each leg, which is crucial for landing on water – the insect's secret is way it stands
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Wednesday, Aug 26, 2015, 7:47am
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Were Carbs A Brain Food For Our Ancient Ancestors?
Once ancient humans learned to cook, starchy foods could have given them a calorie bump that fueled the evolution of the human brain, British researchers argue in a new paper.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Tuesday, Aug 18, 2015, 9:07am
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Before Humans Showed Up, Huge Animals Were The Norm
In Earth's history, there have been some incredibly large animals that look sort of like animals we have today, just a lot bigger. In North America, there was a sloth that was the size of an elephant.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Wednesday, Aug 12, 2015, 9:46am
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Toxic frogs' venomous head spikes could kill you
Researchers discovered the amphibians' dangerous weapons the hard way in the wilds of Brazil
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Friday, Aug 07, 2015, 9:13am
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Ancient walrus made do without tusks
"We see them gradually change from these sea-lion-looking animals to the really weird-looking, giant-tusked modern walrus"
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Thursday, Aug 06, 2015, 7:43am
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Why Do High-Altitude Snow Leopards Breathe Like Pussycats?
How these big cats thrive in low-oxygen mountain habitats is still a mystery, study says.
Source: National Geographic News
Posted on: Thursday, Aug 06, 2015, 7:43am
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Wasp masters turn enslaved spiders into zombies to build their nests
Parasitic wasp larvae drug their orb spider hosts into altering their normal webs to create a perfect nest for them to transform into adult wasps
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Thursday, Aug 06, 2015, 7:43am
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Why the long face? Researchers compile directory of horse facial expressions
New study has identified 17 discrete expressions in horses (three more than chimpanzees) which may give researchers insight into their emotional states
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Thursday, Aug 06, 2015, 7:43am
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Bonobos' clue to speech evolution
A study finds that wild bonobos use a single high-pitched call in a variety of contexts, showing a linguistic flexibility that was thought to be uniquely human.
Source: BBC News
Posted on: Tuesday, Aug 04, 2015, 10:37am
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Ancient life form's complex sex life
One of the oldest-known complex organisms had a surprising complicated sex life, scientists report.
Source: BBC News
Posted on: Tuesday, Aug 04, 2015, 10:37am
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Answer to earthworm's ability to digest poisons unearthed by scientists
All plants contain toxins which continue to work after leaf fall, so how worms are able to stomach dead grass and leaf litter has long been a mystery
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Tuesday, Aug 04, 2015, 10:37am
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Stink bugs protect their eggs by changing their color
Adding pigment may shield eggs from UV radiation
Source: Science
Posted on: Thursday, Jul 23, 2015, 11:44am
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Scientists Discover One Of The Oldest Horned Dinosaurs
The "new" dinosaur — named Wendiceratops pinhornensis — lived about 79 million years ago and helps scientists understand the early evolution of the family that includes Triceratops.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Thursday, Jul 09, 2015, 9:20am
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Disney incubating new Charles Darwin movie
Mouse House to make naturalist biopic, six years after box-office failure of Creation, starring Paul Bettany
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Wednesday, Jun 24, 2015, 12:40pm
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Silver coat lets Saharan ants withstand scorching desert heat
Unique triangular hairs help keep Saharan silver ants cool at 70°C by manipulating the physics of light
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Friday, Jun 19, 2015, 9:12am
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Ebola genetic code analysed to show evolution of worst ever outbreak
Reconstruction of outbreak, which has killed more that 11,000 people, found virus might have been contained had Ebola been diagnosed one month earlier
Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Thursday, Jun 18, 2015, 10:42am
Rating: | Views: 1627 | Comments: 0
Instead Of Replacing Missing Body Parts, Moon Jellies Recycle
If a starfish loses a limb, a new arm buds and grows in its place. But young moon jellies have a different strategy for self-repair: Existing limbs rearrange themselves to regain symmetry.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Tuesday, Jun 16, 2015, 8:38am
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Teeny tiny frogs discovered in Brazilian rainforest
The newly discovered miniature frogs are brightly colored like jellybeans - and just as small
Source: CBSNews
Posted on: Thursday, Jun 04, 2015, 5:57pm
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DARPA's Robot Challenge May Equip Robots to One Day Walk Among Us
The DARPA challenge, designed to make robots disaster-ready, could have far-reaching technological benefits.Few people ever need to deal with a stricken nuclear reactor, but that skill could turn out to be important for the evolution of smarter robots.
Source: Technology Review
Posted on: Thursday, Jun 04, 2015, 5:57pm
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Rock-paper-scissors may explain evolutionary 'games' in nature
When players can change tactics, the game loops endlessly between the three weapons
Source: Science
Posted on: Friday, May 29, 2015, 12:43pm
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Bigger brains help female fish outwit predators and live longer
For the first time, bigger brains have been found to help animals survive. The discovery sheds light on how bigger human brains might have evolved
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Thursday, May 21, 2015, 7:50am
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Octopuses, and Maybe Squid, Can Sense Light With Their Skin
Octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish, the animals collectively known as cephalopods, are capable of the most incredible feats of …
Source: National Geographic
Posted on: Thursday, May 21, 2015, 7:50am
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Earth's First Snake Likely Evolved On Land, Not In Water
Genetic sleuthing and comparisons of recently discovered fossils with living snakes point to a "protosnake" ancestor that likely had tiny hind legs and lived about 120 million years ago.
Source: NPR
Posted on: Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 8:02am
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Surprise: Jumping Spiders Can See More Colors Than You Can
Some species of jumping spiders use filters in their eyes to see colors like red and orange—an unexpected discovery.
Source: National Geographic News
Posted on: Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 8:20am
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Case of the Rickety Cossack reveals unease about our fossil past
We are the sole evolutionary remnant of a big family: in a new book, Ian Tattersall wonders why thinking about our dead cousins makes us so uncomfortable
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 8:20am
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Feathered fossils from China reveal dawn of modern birds
Birds evolved modern traits, including the ability to fly well and wade in water, surprisingly early
Source: Science
Posted on: Tuesday, May 05, 2015, 10:39am
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Gigantic Whales Eat Huge Amounts Thanks to ‘Bungee-Cord’ Nerves
The discovery was an accident
Source: TIME Magazine
Posted on: Tuesday, May 05, 2015, 10:39am
Rating: | Views: 1649 | Comments: 0
You Just Missed the Last Ground Sloths
When did the last of the ground sloths disappear? The standard answer is “about 10,000 years ago”.
Source: National Geographic
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 30, 2015, 8:45am
Rating: | Views: 2041 | Comments: 0
Neanderthal chefs may have spiced up menus with wild herbs
Side order of veg with that mammoth leg? The Neanderthal diet was probably more varied than we think – using vegetables, herbs and different cooking techniques
Source: New Scientist
Posted on: Thursday, Apr 16, 2015, 8:09am
Rating: | Views: 1640 | Comments: 0
Cave crustaceans 'lose visual brain'
A study of blind crustaceans living in deep, dark caves shows that evolution is rapidly withering the visual parts of their brain.
Source: BBC News
Posted on: Wednesday, Apr 08, 2015, 10:52am
Rating: | Views: 1477 | Comments: 0