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Wed, Aug 18, 2010, 3:15 pm CDT
I have noticed that there is a way to "rate" posts. I see even that some people have voted on my posts. My question is, how can you find out what your rating is? I don't need to know what everyone said, just an avg or something would be great. Thanks!

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Wed, Aug 18, 2010, 5:08 am CDT
If you log in, and then click the blog section, on the light blue bar, and scroll under the forum stuff, you'll get the list of all your blogs, there it will also say the avg rating, how many comments/views you have, and who the last comment is from. It doesn't say how many ratings though, just what the avg is. You can always go to your post itself to see how many people rated it.

Brian Krueger, PhD
Columbia University Medical Center
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Wed, Aug 18, 2010, 6:35 am CDT
The average rating also appears as the star number. Your rated posts are just so good that they're all 5 stars :P

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Wed, Aug 18, 2010, 11:13 am CDT
Thanks for the info! I always suspected I was 5-star. I just didn't expect anyone to agree :-)

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Wed, Aug 18, 2010, 2:08 pm CDT
I'm not sure the "Best rated" blog list on the Featured page is working correctly. Gerty-Z's "Am I ruining your marriage?" post has five stars with eight votes, yet it is listed below other posts with lower ratings (e.g. my "Peer review, schmeer review" which has five stars, but only two votes).

Brian Krueger, PhD
Columbia University Medical Center
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Wed, Aug 18, 2010, 2:43 pm CDT
It's ordered by time and average vote. It gets complicated if you start thinking about it from a total points perspective because a post with 10 votes and an average of 3 would then rank higher than a post with 3 votes and an average of 5. Does that make sense? I've tried a couple of different ordering schemes and this one seems to work the best. I'm open to suggestions though. MySQL does stupid things when you try to order by more than one option though. I've tried order by time, rating, and total rating, but it always defaults to the last option, which is annoying.

Brian Krueger, PhD
Columbia University Medical Center
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Wed, Aug 18, 2010, 2:48 pm CDT
I lied... Just switched it to order by rating and total votes and I think it's doing the right thing now. I just know I had issues when I was on a shared hosting server at my old webhost... I guess things have changed now that we have dedicated resources :P

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Wed, Aug 18, 2010, 3:15 pm CDT
Looks right to me now. Thanks!