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Dr. O

After a frustrating year on the tenure-track job hunt, my eyes are still on the prize, and I've learned that sheer will might be the most important quality required for this career track.

My posts are presented as opinion and commentary and do not represent the views of LabSpaces Productions, LLC, my employer, or my educational institution.

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I'm a postdoctoral microbiologist and new mom, and I've been on the tenure-track job hunt for a little over a year now. Amid mountains of job applications, K grant submissions/resubmissions, limited committee activities, and bench work, I've learned a lot about the academic job search process, as well as how to balance my life as a scientist with that at home. Check out my posts at The Tightrope for more on work-life balance. On this blog, I'll try to pass on some of my knowledge of the academic career path, however limited it might be.

I've only viewed academia as a graduate student and postdoc, and I've had a limited perspective from both of these vantage points. There are many others out there with more and different experiences (and opinions), and I gladly welcome those into the discussion. With the help of others, I learned and changed so much during my first year of blogging. I hope this new blog will continue to serve as a teaching experience for me as well as my readers!
