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no link . . .Read More
Feb 02, 2011, 10:45am

Link to anonymous blog . . .Read More
Feb 02, 2011, 10:30am

Link to facebook account . . .Read More
Feb 02, 2011, 10:29am

I wonder how long it’s been since you graduated, Brian. You’ve heard of Stockholm Syndrome, no? When you say things like: I have the utmost of respect for my mentor.  My scientific. . .Read More
Nov 12, 2010, 7:43pm
Comment by Lascap in And the winner is...

That's not the only thing you can do with it: . . .Read More
Nov 03, 2010, 6:18pm
Awesome Stuff
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I initially got 300 extra clicks from my $200 investment. That's about $1 a click or a really bad day with google Adwords. I guess I shouldn't have expected a whole lot out of the release, but I was hoping it'd be picked up by at least a few science blogs or something.

The next phase of my advertising campaign is going to be a little more local I think. I e-mailed my press release to all of the area newspapers. I remember a few weeks back the Des Moines Register ran a story about some guy's car washing business. Hopefully they'll be interested in some graduate student's internet business :) I'm also looking to do some table spamming on Monday all over the medical campus. Look for my signs. My latest plan is to get a local following from Iowa on the site and then maybe that will attract other users to stop by and comment or sign up for an account.

Looks like it's back to Yahoo!, Google, and Fark ads :(

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Sorry the release did not produce the desired results, but remember that PR is an ongoing process that requires planning and dedication. Hitting the area newspapers is not a bad idea, and perhaps you can offer being an occasional guest science blogger for the newspapers (as long, of course, as they provide a link back to your site). Also send the press release to the local cable channels and radio stations -- and the editors of any niche publications (such as the publications of the student associations you belong to). Also, ask local and out-of-town science fiction convention organizers if you can drop off or send fliers/bookmarks to them to put on their freebee tables (from what I\\\'ve seen after helping with a convention, probably the literary skiffy cons are your best bet). Anyway, best wishes for you in your future promotions.

Brian Krueger, PhD
Columbia University Medical Center
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Thanks for the advice Angela. I am planning on carpeting the local science campus with ads this weekend (Last weekend didn't work out. I ended up watching a movie late with some friends.) I have some biotech reps in the lab hawking their crap every few days so maybe I'll hit one of them up too to see if I can get a table and one of the next science fair shows. I was thinking about making stickers, t-shirts, and plastic bags for carrying brochures.

I wasn't really expecting a deluge of new users off of that PR release (haha, maybe hoping though!).
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